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Fortnite Battle Royale on Mobile
On Monday, Fortnite Battle Royale released in an invite event on iOS. The Fortnite Team confirmed that Android would also get a mobile version in the coming months, including (opt-in) cross play between the PC, PS4, Mac, iOS, and Android versions. Notably, the Xbox One version of Fortnite was not included in the Fortnite Team’s cross play plans.
Hearthstone’s Newest Expansion Announced: The Witchwood
Blizzard has announced on Monday their newest Hearthstone expansion, The Witchwood, focusing on the shapeshifting worgens. The Witchwood will add several new card abilities, such as cards that shapeshift, exchanging their health and damage stats each round they are in your hand. The Witchwood will also offer another single player adventure experience called Monster Hunt, adding to Kobolds and Catacombs’ Dungeon Run mode to increase the experiences in-game. The Witchwood is expected to release sometime before the end of April.
Microsoft Forms New Cloud Gaming Division
Microsoft has announced the assembly of a new cloud gaming division, to be led by Kareem Choudry. The division hopes to make Microsoft’s cloud gaming services more attractive to developers and prepare Microsoft for future game streaming services. This news comes right before Microsoft’s first party Sea of Thieves releases on their game subscription service, Game Pass.
Details Surface for Valve’s Newest Game: Artifact
Valve has released details on their newest game, Artifact, their first since DOTA 2 in 2013. Artifact will join the now competitive field of digital CCG games, following Fable Fortune, released last month. Artifact will be set in the DOTA 2 universe and will be designed in part by Richard Garfield, the creator behind Magic: The Gathering.