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CoD: Warzone update – GameSpot

There has been much talk about Activision giving CoD: Modern Warfare a battle royale mode, but they have just announced CoD: Warzone; a standalone game solely for battle royale. Everyone can now download Warzone for free on all platforms where Modern Warfare is available. Cross-play is enabled across all platforms as well, with PS4 players getting an exclusive free add-on pack. Warzone brings a host of spins to the traditional battle royale gameplay, between respawn mechanics and alternative game modes for competitive play.

Pokémon Go Safari Zone event postponed for quarantine – Polygon

Niantic is delaying the Pokemon Go Safari Zone event scheduled in St. Louis to later this month for health concerns over the spread of Covid-19. Niantic stated they are looking for replacement times over the next 12 months and are offering refunds to digital ticket holders. Future Safari Zone events in other locations are expected to go ahead as planned but will be reassessed as their dates draw near.

E3 2020 currently canceled – GameSpot

ESA has confirmed that E3 2020 will be officially canceled over concerns over the Covid-19 outbreak, as public health could be affected by the event. Even before viral concerns many companies were dropping out of their spots for various reasons. Since E3 is where most major developers make announcements, the news will likely spread via various posts and updates instead.

Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy nerfs and patch notes – Polygon

Destiny 2’s Season of the Worthy is now live, bringing a myriad of nerfs, rebalances and the return of the Trials of Osiris. In Trials, players can again partake in the tough and competitive 3v3 game mode for exclusive loot drops. As for weapon re-works: several weapon types and exotics have seen their damage cut across the board to balance out weapon choices, with auto rifles getting a buff and swords now a viable option. Additionally, players can re-roll their armor’s elemental type to change what mods they put into it.

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