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Overwatch Winter Wonderland 2019 – Polygon
Overwatch’s annual winter holiday event, Winter Wonderland, is now live, running December 10th to January 2nd. Players can unlock new holiday and winter-themed cosmetics, including legendary skins, through loot boxes, and weekly challenges. Mei’s snowball offensive makes a return this year alongside a new Mei-centric game mode titled Snowball Deathmatch.
Resident Evil 3 remake to launch April 3rd 2020 – The Verge
Still riding the success of Resident Evil 2’s re-release earlier this year, Capcom has officially announced a remake for Resident Evil 3 for modern hardware. This release will bring entirely new graphics and a third-person perspective to the game, similar to RE 2’s remake. Furthermore, Capcom has confirmed that Resident Evil: Project Resistance will not be a stand-alone game, but rather a multiplayer mode included in RE3.
Sea of Thieves adds a replayable tutorial section – Polygon
Sea of Thieves now lets players partake in a “Maiden Voyage,” which serves as a tutorial displaying all of the game’s important mechanics. The Maiden Voyage also gives some light story introduction, a welcome prelude for the Tall Tale story missions. Everyone can access the Maiden Voyage at any time from the main menu, regardless of having completed it previously. This tutorial launched in tandem with the game’s holiday event, the Festival of Giving.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare revives popular gameplay mode – GameSpot
Infinity Ward just released a new multiplayer update for Modern Warfare, which rotates in-game modes, including the popular Infected mode; this latest update also adds a new map for the ground war mode and brings some additions to Hardcore mode. Two of the temporary additions, Gunfight: OSP and Infected, will be removed from the game in about a week; plans to add them back are yet unknown.